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2014 Fred Kavli Distinguished Lectureship in Nanoscience - Yury Gogotsi of Drexel University
Interview with Prof Yury Gogotsi
Interviewing Prof. Yury Gogotsi (Part II): Advice for Postdoctoral Researchers
Travel to the Frontier of Science | Yury Gogotsi | TEDxDrexelU
Interviewing Prof. Yury Gogotsi: Suggestions for young scientists
Interviewing Prof. Yury Gogotsi (Part III): Suggestions for publications
Exploring Nanotechnology and MXene with Dr Yury Gogotsi
Drexel Update - An Interview with Dr. Yury Gogotsi
Interviewing Prof. Yury Gogotsi (Part V): MXene Applications Beyond Energy Storage
Interviewing Prof. Yury Gogotsi (Part IV): MXenes for Energy Storage
episode 9 - Yury Gogotsi - part 01
2DMaT Welcome - Webinar Prof. Dr. Yury Gogotsi